If you are trying to start or have started your Free Trial, the following information can provide answers to many common questions. 

Why am I receiving an error message when trying to add my card?

There are a few things that can cause an error to occur when trying to add your payment card. At this time, Great American Pure Flix requires that all cards be validated with a $0.00 pre-authorization request. If your bank or card company does not accept $0.00 pre-authorization requests, your card cannot be used with PureFlix.com. Should that be the case, please try using a different card from a different bank for your Great American Pure Flix membership.

If you are experiencing a particular error please review our Card Errors Article.

What happens when the Free Trial is up?
If you enjoyed your free trial, you will be automatically charged for the membership plan that was chosen upon initial sign up when your trial ends. If you cancelled your trial before it ended, you will not be charged and you will no longer have access to Great American Pure Flix.
Why am I seeing a charge after starting the Free Trial?
We offer our members one Free Trial. The reason you were charged when you signed up is that you started your Free Trial membership on the existing email address at an earlier date.
Why am I receiving the error "Email Already Taken" upon initial sign up?

If you are receiving this message upon initial sign up, most likely you have registered your email with PureFlix.com previously.

To finish the activation process please do the following:

  1. Sign in to www.PureFlix.com through a web browser using your email address and password.
  2. Click on "My Account" (located under the .)
  3. Select “Membership" 

  4. Select "Plans"

  5. Follow along through the activation steps

Can I cancel during my Free Trial?
You can cancel your membership at any time (even during the Free Trial). Please review How to Cancel for more details.